Research Ideology

Searching for Needles in Haystacks

Inspired By professor Sicun Gao from UCSD computer science and engineering: any form of problems that we are trying to solve can be formed by an optimization scheme with a function \(f\), a domain \(X\), and a possible constraint \(C\). To name a few examples, When \(X\) is the weight space and \(f\) is just some sort of loss function, you may get any type of deep learning. When \(X\) is all possible input space and \(f\) is a function assessing badness, you have advasarial attack algorithms. If \(X\) is all possible veichle trajectories and \(f\) is a reward function, you get Reinforcement Learning or atunomous driving. If \(X\) is all posssible strings and \(f\) is the closeness metric to a prooved theorem, when having the constraint of axioms, you have mathamatical reasoning. You see, any problems can be formed as solving different instances of this problem.

\[ \begin{aligned} & \min_{x \in X} \quad F(x) \\ & \text{subject to C} \end{aligned} \]

More rigrously speaking, any act of engineering is the act of walking and searching in the infinite design space (\(\Phi(x)\), domain of things you can do, this is either deemed as action or policy parameters in RL), trying to find a good enough solution that can solve interesting problems in the problem domain (\(X\), state space) with the function metric (\(F(x)\), in metric or objective space, this is the reward model in RL or MSE objective surface in supervised learning) while caring about with the constrain (dotted line) given. You search in the parameter space that changes where you are in state space and reflecting the goodness of it in the metric space.

Continual Learning Schematic

From a pessimistic perspective, these problems are NP-Hard. In the limit, they are all not solvable, we are left to face hopeless problems. But in practice, we never face the limit, with combinations of techniques, we may be able to find a good enough solution for some interesting questions. These techniques come from very different domains but some how all try to solve this same hard problem.

Some try to focus on a subset of the nice problem and intelligence stems from numerically garuantee optimality (Analytical Perspective). Some treates \(f\) itself just as a black box and doesn't care about it at all, all we need to do is randomly sample and use different techniques to ensure such sampling works. Intelligence then come from a belief that, with enough sample, we will discover some underlaying hidden struture of the environment (Statistical Perspective). And some else treats the whole problem as a puzzle to solve where logic takes us from one step to an other, if one step is wrong, we backtrack and fix. Intelligence is then logical reasoning or a tree expansion with teh constraint of logic (Combinatorics & Traditional AI Perspective)

What we so called Intelligence may just be a system happening to do the right thing for the right task. Sometimes creating something that works for an interestingly scaled level problem is the same as parsing through the fog in this vast space of interactions that give so many seemingly correct designs and finding the truth. With every try, you would explore the space a little bit more, grown the subtree a little bit deeper, and pushed more values into the table. Success never comes from one good state but rather the path you have explored and the large subtree you have built. Every single dynamic state (reference to the world and to yourself) that you have been through is not lost: The tree has been explored and nothing is lost.

Evolution Did it's Random Search

No matter for natural or artificial intelligence, I believe that there exist, certain "correct" ways of information processing and decision making mechanism that makes "intellience". It just happens that the random search conducted by evolution found such mechanism and presented in the form of our brain. As long as natural intelligence remains as the best form of intellignece, it keep inform us about hwo to get closer to true mechnism of intelligence.

To some extent, machine learning is just about feature learning \(\vec \phi(\vec x)\), trying to find a correct mathamatical space (may be very complex, may involve going to the weight world to find correct projection, or may involve projecting to infinite dimension to find representation), a feature space \(\Phi\), to allow \(X\) project onto and reveal some hidden structure. Inspired by professor Justin Eldridge from UCSD data science: the math itself for learning to occur may not be as complicated, it is rather the underlaying structure of the data that exist in nature promotes the stemming of intelligence, we just need to find such structure, a correct representation of \(X\). Finding intelligence stemming from biology may also just need to find such correct subspace.

Inspired by professor Talmo Pereira from the Salk Institute: nature has creative solutions to match objective functions caused by evolution and there exists a strong coupling between such natural behavior and the underlying neural algorithm. The neural underpinning that we have just happens to be the information processing theory that works because it helps survival to pass on the genes. A great deal of neuronal mechanism is about our output, our actions, and our interaction with the environment: it is about what we do. I think that finding the right layer of abstractions and injecting the baisc alignment with biology into artificial agents would go beyond the limits of human-interpretable labels and power searches into the correct representations to inform us about how to build abstract models of the brain and get closer to the hypothesis of “intelligence”.

Science to Engineering \(\rightarrow\) Expectation Maximization

I believe that science and engineering goes hands in hands, science asks a question and engineering trys to find a solution towards usch question, just like expectation maximization. Creating something new that works is the equivalent of finding the true processes in nature. Questions that puzzles neuroscientists and psychologists for decades are the same questions that puzzles computer scientists (i.e. continual learning). I believe the remarkable process that operates abstract mathematics on infinite dimensions is the equivalent process that makes us do the normal things in life: we process an infinite amount of information all the time. Thus, I believe that there must exist some deep connections between artificial and natural intelligence, we just need to find them.

I am pashionate in both the engineering and science part of doing research, to use imaginations to create learnings, to create different ways for an artificial agent to capture essence computationally, and to create something that seems to be "intelligent", that just happens to do the right things that works. Sometimes these approaches are very ideal, naive, but are also new and may have the capability to develop into something captures the truth.