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Some perspectives I have on Neuroscience, Mathamatics, Machine Learning, and some other areas that I have interests in.

Neuroscience Related

Essentially this is how I found neuroscience and biology to be quite amazing an how they may be such an inspiration to drawn from for designing intelligent algorithms/systems or how "close" they may be to the true "strcuture" in the nature that makes intelligence.

Cognitive Neuroscience Perspectives

Building a perspective on the brain.

👀 Sensory, Processing, Affective Neuroscience

From sensory to processing to perception.

Searching & Parralel Processing

Reinforcing & searching, some magnificent connection bewteen brain and algorithms.

⚖️ Neural Adaptation With Cost: Systematic Balance Distortion

Addiction is a systematic adaptation to deviation, an well rounded circular circuit that feeds into each other. Once balance is distorted, problems may occur.

💭 What We Think Deternmines What We Can Think

Once the circuit forms, the rest becomes much easier.

Mathamatics Related

I find theoritical math to be pretty fun. I think that good practical techniques that works well are derived from a theoritical root.

🔢 Unfolding Stochasticity Sequentially

Modeling inteactions between stochasticity across time sequentially through the key representational example of Random Walk. Mathamatically & recursively reason sequential stochasticity.

\(N(\mu, \sigma)\) Lend It Some Confidence

There are deep connectiosn between statistics and probability, even on very basic statistics level.