API Calls¶
This is the documentation of how API works in this system.
Setting Up¶
Create the conda environment and download all the dependencies by:
and activate the conda environment by:Training S.O.O.¶
This is how to train S.O.O. on your local computer with CPU. All configurrations are specified in the config files.
All the configurations are in the config python file
We established a few training script for training S.O.O.
Training a plain PPO with customized hyperparemetr specified in the configs:
Training just S.O.O. with either with or without the pre-trained core (specify in the configs):
Training just the transfered soo core with intention data specified in the config path:
Training the full pipeline all at once sequentially:
We have created numerous testing functions and visualization function, including:
Testing functions on specified environmental conditions, which takes in configs in the config file as well:
Visualization of the latent representation of gait cycle, depending on either ppo or soo is used, the code is different:
and -
Still working on evaluation pipeline of full continual learning problem.
Still working on implementing other base comparison algorithms (model-based, sac, mompo, ...)