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Some perspectives I have on Neuroscience, Mathematics, Machine Learning, and other areas of interest. I like to write some small articles becase (1) to share some ideas I have and (2) it gets me to think about the connections between what I learned.

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Here are some of my notes that I will later on write them into articles: notes

I think that the process of thoughts and cognition may be coming from something or a mechanism that we don't understand yet. But the faciliattion of how they go from thoughts to action is what we can seek to understood and such biological mechanistic insgights may help us to accomplish our goals in everyday life. Moreover, I also found neuroscience and biology to be quite amazing in how they may inspire the design of intelligent algorithms/systems and how "close" they may be to the true "structure" in nature that makes intelligence.

I find theoretical math to be pretty fun. I think that good practical techniques that work well are derived from a theoretical root.